Do French Bulldogs Shed? Here’s Why and Tips On Prevention

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If you have a Frenchie Bulldog, you’re probably familiar with their trademarked ability to shed. But what’s the deal? Why do they do it? And how can you prevent it from happening? In Do French Bulldogs Shed? Here’s Why and Tips on Prevention, we’ll explore the reasons behind French Bulldogs’ legendary shedding habits and provide some shedding prevention tips. So whether you’re looking to understand why your dog sheds or just want to keep things tidy in the house, read on!

Video: Do French Bulldogs Shed?

Do French Bulldogs Shed? 

So, do French Bulldogs Shed? The short answer is yes. You’re almost guaranteed to begin seeing hair around your home, furniture, and clothing when your French Bulldog shedding begins, leading to allergic reactions for many.

If you’re bringing a French Bulldog home, prepare to deal with some dog hair around your home. Shedding is found in many dog breeds, and the bulldog is no different. Shedding is simply a part of their and Bulldog’s natural process where old and damaged hair is lost as the new hair grows in. The shedding process produces a lot of dander or flaxy skin. This usually happens seasonally but could be more frequent for Bulldogs with health issues.

Common Reasons French Bulldogs Shed

The level of shedding varies depending on the type of Bulldog breed you have and their health.

Understanding how or when shedding occurs can help you minimize or prevent allergic reactions.

Seasonal Shedding

Most French Bulldogs will shed twice a year, during the spring season and again during the fall. French Bulldogs that grow thick coats during the winter will shed during the summertime. Those with a thinner coat will shed some of their fur in the spring or summer months to prevent them from getting too hot.

Poor Nutrition

Bad diets that aren’t providing enough nutrition is a reason for excessive French Bulldog shedding.


Your Frenchie could be allergic to something that might cause excessive shedding. Anything from a specific shampoo, house products, or food it may be eating. Allergies from food could cause skin irritation, which will lead to your Bulldog scratching, biting, and losing hair. Dust, tree, and plant pollen are other sources that could cause irritation for your dog, causing them to shed more fur.


If your dog develops bald patches or an odd smell, it may have encountered fleas, ticks, mites, or worms, causing more hair loss. These parasites cause itchy skin and, if not treated, will have your Bulldog constantly scratching to alleviate the itch.

Fungal Or Bacterial Infections

Look out for bacterial or yeast infections; this also may cause itching and hair loss. Your Frenchie may show ringworms on their skin; you’ll notice hair loss in infected areas.

Hypothyroidism or Cushing’s Disease

Your Frenchie could be experiencing issues with their thyroid gland, stopping them from producing enough thyroxine hormone for their body. They could also be experiencing Cushing’s disease, causing your Bulldog’s adrenal glands to produce an excessive amount of cortisol (a stress hormone). Too much cortisol would lead to excessive eating, constant urination, and stress, leading to the loss of hair.


Dogs have emotions just like us. If you’re noticing a loss of hair in your dog without any notable reason, stress could be the cause. Your Bulldog might not like being left alone for long periods of time. Having them spend a lot of alone time can lead to separation anxiety and stress.

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Hormonal Imbalances

Something also to look at is hormone imbalances after giving birth or being neutered for older dogs.


French Bulldogs that aren’t purebred tend to shed more.

Tips to Help with Excessive Shedding

Quality Food

Providing quality dog food to your Frenchie is important. Making sure your Bulldog has a healthy diet will help keep their fur coat clean and keep down the amount of shedding. A nutrient filled, well balanced diet and nutrient-filled diet keeps their coat healthy and strong, and omega 3 fatty acids keep the skin moisturized. Having moisturized skin can stop dander and excessive shedding, resulting in less hair around your home.


If your French Bulldog stays clean, then a monthly bath would be good enough. Constant bathing can make your French Bulldog lose the natural oils in their skin that maintain their healthy coat. Mild dog shampoo is enough to eliminate any dead hair and dander that might be hanging on. Also, don’t forget to dry their fur quickly with an absorbent towel because they’ll get cold after a bath.

Grooming and Skincare Routine

Brushing your Frenchie’s hair regularly will help get rid of dander and loose fur, helping to keep their fur coat clean and smooth. Shedding specific dog brushes in the summertime can help bring down their body heat by allowing them to cool off more. You’ll also be able to spot any early signs of skin problems and irritations if you brush regularly.

Food Allergies

If you’re thinking of ruling out food allergies, consult with a vet first. A vet will help you identify any possible food causing your dog irritation by eliminating any ingredient you might think could be causing your dog’s skin irritation. From there, keep an eye out to see if there is an improvement in your dog’s coat. If food allergies are, in fact, an issue, your veterinarian can also recommend medication to alleviate itching and hair loss.

Parasites Prevention

Aside from shedding excessively, your French Bulldog might encounter parasites that can inflame the skin and cause other skin issues. Your vet will be able to recommend some control products for this. Also, watch out for outdoor feces that your Bulldog might encounter; they can be a hotbed for parasites.

Meet With Your Vet

The best person to speak with is a veterinarian when it comes to any French Bulldog issue. Discuss with your veterinarian to eliminate any health condition that could be causing your Frenchie to shed.

Keeping Your House Clean With A Shedding Bulldog

Let’s go over these tips to keep your home clean while living with a shedding pet.

Bulldog Safe Furniture 

Invest in furniture with strong, resistant fabric that is perfect for French Bulldog owners. Opt for materials that are easy to clean and do not trap dog hair, such as leather or microfiber. Avoid fabrics like velvet or corduroy, as they tend to attract and hold onto fur.

Clean Floors

When it comes to hard floors, regularly sweeping with a damped mop will be your go-to solution for removing French Bulldog hair. The dampness helps to capture loose fur and prevent it from becoming airborne. Additionally, using a microfiber dust mop can be highly effective in picking up pet hair from various surfaces.


There are many benefits to having a humidifier, from keeping your French Bulldog’s skin welly hydrated to keeping fur hair from sticking to surfaces.

Lint Rollers and Rubber Brushes

Invest in a velcro-type lint roller or a rubber brush designed for pet hair removal. These tools work effectively on clothing and furniture, allowing you to quickly and easily remove loose hair.

Rubber Broom

If you have hardwood, tile, or linoleum floors, a rubber broom can be a fantastic investment. The rubber bristles create static electricity, attracting and gathering loose dog hair from the floor. This tool is especially useful for larger areas and can be easily cleaned by rinsing it under water.

Scented Candles and Aroma Diffusers

To combat any lingering doggy odors, consider using scented candles or aroma diffusers. These can help freshen up your home and create a pleasant ambiance, masking any unwanted smells that may accompany shedding.


Covering your furniture with slipcovers or similar protective covers can be an effective strategy for collecting hair. Simply remove the slipcover when it accumulates enough hair, and toss it in the washer. This way, you can easily maintain a clean and fur-free surface on your furniture.

Vacuum Cleaner

Investing in a high-quality vacuum cleaner with a strong suction power and a good filter is a must for any pet owner dealing with shedding. Opt for a vacuum specifically designed for pet hair removal, as it will have specialized attachments and features to effectively capture and contain the hair. Remember to regularly empty and clean the filter to prevent clogging and maintain optimal performance.

Additional Reading

You Might Also Be Interested In Reading: The White French Bulldog or the Blue French Bulldog


Shedding is all part of owning a French Bulldog. The most common reasons behind French Bulldog shedding are they are French Bulldogs. Other than that, there are a few other reasons French Bulldogs shed. These include hormonal changes, health reasons, environmental factors (such as humidity), nutrition, and diseases.

In reading, Do French Bulldogs Shed? Why and Tips on Prevention I hope you were able to find the reason for your French Bulldog’s shedding and some useful tips on how to minimize them doing so.

Have you dealt with shedding Frenchies? Do you have any tips to share? Please comment below.